Advocacy Groups Promoting The Rights of Vapers

Vaping is no new phenomenon. In fact, the very first e-cigarette was invented all the way back in 1963. The first appearance of e-cigarettes in the UK was in 2003 and ever since then vaping has been receiving a gradual increase in popularity. However, in recent years, vaping has been on the rise and has become somewhat of a trend. This is likely to do with the introduction of disposable vapes, which have made vaping more accessible to people not already in the know.

It is important to remember that vaping is not just a trend, but a smoking cessation method that has proven to be successful. Research conducted by experts has also concluded that vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking, showing that it could be hugely beneficial for those looking to quit tobacco to look at e-cigarettes as an alternative.

Despite these facts, vaping has gained a lot of criticism over the last few years and the rumours surrounding the supposed dangers of e-cigarettes have begun to overshadow the potential benefits.

Alongside the rise in numbers of vapers, there has been an increase in the number of advocacy groups promoting the rights of vapers.

What Are Vaping Advocacy Groups?

Advocacy groups help to raise awareness about the benefits of vaping and the health concerns surrounding it. They attempt to dispel any myths that crop up to ensure that people can make informed choices. Some advocacy groups work to educate the public about the dangers of smoking and why vaping could be a safer alternative.

Promoting the Rights of Vapers

Although vaping is not regulated by the same policies as smoking tobacco, most workplaces prohibit vaping on the premises. It is instances like this, wherein vapers are unfairly discriminated against, that advocacy groups work to prevent. Promoting the rights of vapers is hugely important if smokers are going to experience the full effects of switching from smoking to vaping.

Regulating Policies Around Vaping

Many advocacy groups work together with policymakers to make sure that the regulations regarding vaping are fair and unbiased. Regulations should be for the good of the public and based on scientific evidence rather than unfounded opinions by either pro or anti-vapers. They also try to ensure that any new policies do not create difficulties for the vaping industry, particularly manufacturers and merchants.

Support to Quit Smoking

All in all, the aim of e-cigarettes is to help smokers quit or, at least cut down on, tobacco. Vaping advocacy groups seek to support vapers on their journey. They help to make sure that vapers can access the resources available to aid them in successfully quitting smoking. This might mean directing vapers to support groups, access to downloadable quitting guides, nicotine replacement therapy, and a variety of other helpful services.

Quality Control

One important role vaping advocacy groups can play in the industry is ensuring that products are manufactured safely and to a high standard so that both merchants and consumers have access to high-quality vape products. They also make a point of making information about the quality of these products available on their websites. Many vaping advocacy groups also attempt to prevent the sale of counterfeit or low-quality products as these could be potentially dangerous to vapers. Low quality products have caused issues in the past, and advocacy groups are fighting to ensure the safety of the consumers.

Why Are Advocacy Groups Important?

Advocacy groups dedicated to the rights of vapers have become more crucial recently as governments are constantly being pressured by anti-vapers to tighten the restrictions on the vaping industry. Not only do anti-vapers often spread misinformation, confusing the public and indirectly encouraging smoking over vaping, but the restrictions that could be placed on the industry because of it may lead to vapers turning to unreliable sellers. This could be dangerous as it cannot be guaranteed that products from these sellers are legitimate.

Advocacy groups also ensure that vapers are given fair treatment and that the policies created are based on factual information. The support they offer for those attempting to quit smoking is hugely beneficial and could greatly improve success rates for quitting tobacco.

How You Can Support Advocacy Groups

There are multiple ways that you can support vaping advocacy groups. Most advocacy groups have websites where you can donate money to support their causes- the majority of these associations are non-profit- or become a member. You can also find out more by contacting the groups or even contacting your local mp to share your individual vaping story.