CBD is a cannabis compound that is extracted from hemp plants that have significant medical benefits all without getting you high. With its legalization in many countries around the world, many people have started to use CBD products for their potential medical benefits. CBD users ingest the compound in various ways, including vaping.
Some studies suggest that CBD may help treat some chronic conditions, such as anxiety and pain. However, most studies have evaluated the effects of taking CBD orally and not through inhalation.
CBD is a compound derived from cannabis. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not produce a high. People use CBD in a wide variety of ways for its potential therapeutic effects, which may include:
- pain relief
- anti-inflammation
- anti-anxiety
- seizure and epilepsy treatment
CBD may also have antioxidant properties and may be toxic to some cells. Researchers are currently investigating the use of CBD in several disease states, including:
- neurodegenerative diseases
- anxiety disorder
- childhood diseases, such as tuberous sclerosis complex that has a prevalence lower than 5 in 10,000 individuals
- Addiction
Cannabis vape is overtaking the shelves everywhere from high-end cannabis stores to gas stations. You may even see them alongside nicotine vapes, which may make them, seem like a tempting alternative to smoking tobacco. Many people are now using e-cigarettes as a device for marijuana-based products, including CBD.
People living with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease often use aerosolized therapies. This system supplies the medication directly into the lungs, which results in a rapid clinical effect. Generally, people also need smaller doses compared with oral or subcutaneous injections.
The features of condensation aerosols can make vaping seem like a more effective method of taking CBD. However, since vaping is still a relatively new practice, researchers are unclear about its benefits and risks and need to conduct further investigations.
What are the side effects of vaping CBD?
Research into the side effects of CBD is still in its infancy. A comprehensive study was released last year that concluded there were in fact some side effects associated with CBD. The most commonly documented side effect of CBD is mild drowsiness. This is more common with first-time users and can subside with regular use.
This drowsiness is most often caused by high doses of CBD, whereas low to medium doses can actually produce the opposite effect. The other side effects observed were slight euphoria, hunger and red eyes. Compared to many prescription drugs, the side effects of CBD tend to be much less pronounced.
Thanks for reading this post, Cilicon is a globally trusted cannabis vape brand and technology platform. In Cilicon, innovative cannabis vaporizer solutions make cannabis easier, smarter & more effective. By entering the next generation of cannabis vaping, our core vape technologies drive our future and continue to contribute our partner success. As an open cannabis vaporizer platform to all industry participators, we maintain the spirit of innovation and perfection to delight our customers with diverse cannabis vape solutions and equip you with competitive edges in business growth.